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Press | MarktoMarket Featured in the Corporate Financier by ICAEW

MarktoMarket and Doug Lawson was featured in the July/August issue of the Corporate Financier Magazine by ICAEW

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Market Report | June 2024 UK M&A Valuation Barometer

MarktoMarket's June 2024 Valuation Barometer, covering deals in UK M&A in May 2024, including completed, announced and minority.

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Market Report | UK Equity Fundraising Report Q1 2024

MarktoMarket's Q1 2024 Equity Fundraising report, covering data on activity by UK private companies in January- March 2024.

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Insight | MarktoMarket Regional Corporate Finance Breakfast Seminar: Bristol

MarktoMarket Regional Corporate Finance Breakfast Seminar: Bristol Reflection

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Market Report | UK M&A Q1 2024 Valuation Indices

MarktoMarket presents its Q1 2024 UK M&A Valuation Indices, covering transaction multiples for M&A deals completed in January – March 2024

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Market Report | May 2024 UK M&A Valuation Barometer

MarktoMarket's May 2024 Valuation Barometer, covering deals in UK M&A in April 2024, including completed, announced and minority.

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Press | The CFN Selects MarktoMarket as its UK Corporate Finance Data Platform

The Corporate Finance Network (The CFN) has chosen to contract with MarktoMarket for its UK data and deal intelligence requirements.

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Insight | Financial Data & Software Valuations

Deep dive into deal multiples in sub-sectors of financial data and software platforms

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Market Report | April 2024 UK M&A Valuation Barometer

MarktoMarket's April 2024 Valuation Barometer, covering deals in UK M&A in March 2024, including completed, announced and minority.

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