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UK Equity Fundraising Indices Q2 and H1 2024

Category: Market Report


MarktoMarket presents its Q2 and H1 2024 UK Equity Fundraising Report. The report covers data on equity fundraising activity by UK private companies from 1 January 2024 to June 30 2024.

The data used in this report has been extracted from the MarktoMarket platform, which captures announced and unannounced fundraising activity by UK-registered businesses.


We segment the market into stages, based on the quantum of capital raised, as follows

Whole of market

Our Whole of Market data includes all UK equity fundraising events of greater than £250,000.

Figure 1. Monthly Deal Volumes 2021 to Q2 2024

Q2 2024 has a lower total deal volume compared to the same periods from 2021 onwards.

Figure 2. Q2 2023 v Q2 2024 Deal Volumes

The split of deals in Q2 2024 highlights the relative weakness of Seed activity against the other stages.

Figure 3. Monthly deal value 2021 to Q2 2024

There has been a decline and subsequent stabilisation in capital raised since the extraordinary highs of 2021.

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